Monday, December 13, 2021 TOPICS:
Greetings and seasonal felicitations radio people!!
What a bright time, it's the right rock the night away.
The streets are getting slushy out there. Someone called the station earlier to say they were virtually snowed in about 10 miles up Cave's Highway. Stuck, but thankful to have their local, community radio station keepin' him company.
We have some special holiday content comin' your way during the Christmas week. Starting on the Solstice -Tuesday, December 21st - one of our new favorite DJ's - Squirrel, will be hosting a "Special Christmas Album Show". On Christmas Eve, we'll be broadcasting our very own "Low Power X-mis Special" 2pm-5pm and again from 9pm - midnight. Catch my favorite holiday tunes, as well as an original skit, a poem and more!
On Saturday the 25th, Squirrel will be back with another holiday themed album show from 8:30pm - midnight!
We've added some fun, new programming in the past year, including our latest addition to the roster - "Underground Groove Coalition" on Tuesdays 8pm - 11pm. I'm also excited about yet another brand new, local DJ joining the gang in January to bring you Surf Rock on Saturdays! Stay tuned and watch out for "Creature from the Deep"! Saturday's 8pm - 10pm starting next month!
Thanks again to everyone who participated in the Telethon FUNdraiser event last month. We were able to raise around $4,000 with the help of our awesome community and supporters beyond the valley. Special thanks to Conner Flowe, The Caveman, Mij Note, and all of our awesome DJ's and performers who donated their time to help raise money. What a crazy day of non-stop, live programming, PHEW!
Stay /cozy/ and be easy, I.V.
Much love,