
An easy way to get involved is to come to our monthly volunteer nights!

Every 2nd Tuesday 1:00-3:00pm and every 2nd Wednesday 6:30-8:30pm. You can join other DJs and volunteers with projects around the station. Snacks are encouraged!

We train local people-- especially youth and elders-- to produce their own on-going radio shows. However, there are many other ways to get involved in your local radio station, such as cataloging donated music, helping organize fundraisers, maintaining the website and improving our studio. We rely on the contributions of you, our community, to make KXCJ a beacon to residents and visitors alike.

You are welcome to submit information about your volunteer interests and availability in the form below.

Volunteer-run, community-based radio

KXCJ-LP is an FCC-licensed, volunteer-run, community-based FM radio station serving the city of Cave Junction, Oregon, and the surrounding Illinois River Valley. We provide listeners with a valuable source for news and information that addresses both local and regional interests. We also provide and produce music and other cultural programming that does not duplicate what is already available on the local airwaves. We train local people-- especially youth and elders-- to produce their own ongoing radio shows. We seek to increase the cultural and economic vitality of the Illinois Valley.


Email Us | (541) 592-4112
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KXCJ-LP is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization
© 2017-2022 KXCJ: Illinois Valley Community Radio